Trade credit insurance for SMEs: Safeguard against bad debt

Protect your small business from customer insolvency and payment default with SME credit insurance

Secure your small business against payment defaults

4/10 very small businesses report that their company has been put at risk due to customer non-payment. Late payments and unpaid debts can have severe consequences, impacting on cash flow, productivity or growth prospects. Protect the accounts receivables of your small business with credit insurance so you can secure your B2B invoices domestically and overseas.

  • Invoice coverage

    Check what Coface think about your clients’ creditworthiness and cover your sales through our partners. Coface’s opinions are based on our worldwide network of risk experts with their local knowledge about your prospects or customers. They analyse the relevant financial data on companies, sectors and country risks on an ongoing basis so we can alert you to potential risks.

  • Receivables collection

    Save time and focus on developing your small company: we manage the collection of your receivables domestically and across the globe for you. Optimise your collection rates and maintain your trade relations backed up by our capable teams!

  • Loss indemnification

    Protect your cash flow and preserve your margin with our credit-insurance solution for small businesses. Does the collection process take too long or fails to bring results? No problem! Coface indemnifies your loss.

Interested? Ask for a quote online, and our partner will get back to you straight away - with no obligation.

Ask for a quote

Expand your business fearlessly

Manage your commercial development worry-free: take advantage of our credit opinions and real-time monitoring of your clients’ and prospects’ solvency. 

Our credit-insurance solution for small businesses helps give you an even greater competitive edge since it fine-tunes the credit conditions granted to your customers.

Are you looking for new markets? Coface protects your turnover while you explore business opportunities domestically and / or abroad.

Enhance your bank relationships

Guarantee your invoices with our solution and boost your trustworthiness with your financial partners.

Think about it: opting for a credit insurance policy improves your terms for borrowing and helps you access overdraft facilities.

Credit Insurance

*mandatory field

Discover our Trade Credit Insurance products through our local partners

(About personal data protection)



Safeguard your vital assets

With Coface’s SME trade credit insurance for small businesses, you can avoid late payments and unpaid debts. Safeguard your accounts receivables. Focus on growing your business.

  • The significance of customer loans for SMEs

    40% of the assets of small businesses are customer loans. Late payments and unpaid invoices represent almost 40% of small business assets. Accounts receivables are a significant burden, which strengthens the case for managing your credit risk properly.

  • The impact of unpaid debts on SMEs

    25% of small business failures are the result of unpaid debts. Two out of three companies pay their sub-contractors or suppliers late. This is the root cause of nearly a quarter of all bankruptcies of very small businesses.

  • The prevalence of unpaid debts in SMEs

    80% of small businesses are faced with unpaid debts. Small businesses are confronted with bad debtors on a regular basis, and have to work extremely hard to ensure their debts are settled.

Frequently Asked Questions

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